Sportacus-ifying your computer #2 – A whole themepack

you might be wondering – “Oh, why didn’t you make the screensaver a part of the theme?” Well, I made the themepack first and then it occured to me, there were apps to make screensavers. So uhh… yeah. heh.

According to Mediafire this works on MacOS and Linux. I’m doubting it, but you can try it if you’re running those OS’s.

If you’re wondering, this is fully compatible with WindowBlinds themes, as well as Retrobar, Open-Shell, SimpleClassicTheme, etc.

So the theme has icons from a Windows 98 Sports theme, sounds from that exact same theme, wallpapers from various sources (they change every 60 seconds, this was inspired by the Windows 8 OS-TAN themepack).

Not many have downloaded the theme, so if you’re seeing this, you should download the theme.

Sportacus-ifying your Windows 11 #1 – The Screensaver

I don’t know why you’d want to Sportacus-ify your Windows 11, and WHY you even have a Windows 11 (Yes, I know, I have one too, but my mom owns it.) but here goes nothing.

So first up we have the screensaver. It was made for Windows 11 and I’m not sure if it’ll work on Windows 9x. I have some hope for Windows 8 and above, but very low chance of it working on Vista.

If you don’t like music in your screensavers, bad for you. About 3 LazyTown songs from Season 1 are on this thing.



Happy Holidays – Festive Sportacus pics

All of these come from the Internet Archive, LazyTown International or the LazyTown Fandom.

Merry Christmas to my fellow Australianos out ‘ere!


Holiday Film Recommendations

Christmas season doesn’t end until January 13 according to many sources. So here are my Christmas film recommendations! Yes, the Sportacus related posts will come back soon.


What kind of idiot doesn’t call this a Christmas film? Home Alone is one of the funniest and heartwarming films of the nineties, with the best writing and casting choice ever. The film is on the Internet Archive, so why not rewatch it?









When I think of Christmas, I think of spending time with my family, being nice to everyone and eating cookies and milk. This movie has none of those traits and that’s why I love it like hell.


The rest of the series is pretty good (after Home Alone 4 it went downhill), but it’d take too long to cover it all, plus Home Alone 3 isn’t a holiday movie


DIE HARD (1988)





Die Hard’s action is truly spectacular. Normally, only Asian action gets me to say that normally, but this film is amazing. Bruce Willis brought a light hearted funny feel to the film, and the fight choreography is truly realistic and spectacular.







Die Hard 2 is an even better film then Die Hard. The use of firearms is increased, the fight choreography is harsher and faster, and it’s way better in general






Comedy. Action. Crime.


and best of all, Jackie Chan.

Every Sportacus Scene in “Ice is Nice” & “1, 2, Ski”

Now, ya might be thinking “what the hell is Ice is Nice? Are these some lost scripts from 2008?” Well, no. They’re episodes from the British 2010 LazyTown spinoff, LazyTown Extra. And I know, LazyTown Extra is irrelevant and very easy to forget about. Anyways, these two episodes feature the song “Snow, Give Me Snow” which was featured in the Season 2 Christmas special. Also, the show is British which celebrates Christmas with snow. Anyways, here are the Sportacus segments in those episodes!

Ey, watch out for more Sporty videos! This Christmas content ain’t going nowhere until December 30.