Top 5 Sportacus Moments of Season 2

Remember, this is my opinion. You can like ANY part of these episodes!

5. Sportacus playing the drums

The way this scene goes, is that Ziggy asks Sportacus if he can play the drums , then Sportacus drops a beat from Mayor Meanswell’s favourite musician.

This scene is from episode one of season two, called “Rockin Robbie”.

It first aired on Nickelodeon on September 25, 2006.

The reason I like this scene is because the drum solo is actually pretty fire. Also, because it shows ANOTHA talent Sportacus has! It backs up my argument on why Sportacus is the best LazyTowner! You have to be crazy smart to learn an INSTRUMENT, and sometimes it takes a year or two. But Sportacus just says “I can try” and HE DOES AN IMMACULATE JOB!!! Sportacus RULES!!


A birds-eye view of Sportacus playing the drums. copyright 2006 LazyTown Entertainment.

 4. Sportacus stopping a wall

The way this scene goes, is that Robbie Rotten is about to get smushed by a falling purple wall, but then Sportacus heroically saves him as fast as possible.

This scene is from episode twelve of season two, called “Birthday Surprise”.

It first aired on British television on May 12, 2007.

Sportacus pushing a skateboard backwards with his foot while throwing a bowling ball simutaneously. Copyright 2006, LazyTown Entertainment.


The reason I like this scene is obvious. Sportacus saves a villian from dying on his birthday with his gifts from Ziggy Zweets which are a bowling ball and skateboard, and bites an apple to gain the strength. Heroic, unrealistic and awesome!

3. You don’t need toys to play!

The way the scene goes, is that Ziggy complains that he can’t play with Stephanie and Stingy because he doesn’t have any toys (LazyTown language for sports equipment). Sportacus then tells him he doesn’t need toys to play, and then performs one of the best Sportacus songs.

This scene is from episode eighteen of season two, called “Sportacus Saves The Toys”, or “The End of Sportacus”.

It first aired on Canadian television on October 15, 2007.

It was the rumored last episode of LazyTown before LazyTown Extra suddenly premiered.

Anyways, the reason I like this scene is because Sportacus is telling Ziggy a very cool lesson, one I didn’t know about before watching this episode. Also because of the song that plays right after the lesson.

Sportacus lecturing a sad Ziggy. copyright 2006 LazyTown Entertainment


2.Butterfly malfunction

The way this scene goes, is that all the electric modern tools in Sportacus’ sportship stop working (He yells toothbrush and is thrown a soccer ball, then an apple, the door opens when he says bed). Then he checks the control box, only to find a butterfly in it. He then lets it fly out the airship.

Sportacus letting a butterfly.. well.. fly. copyright 2006 LazyTown Entertainment

This scene is from episode thirteen of season two, “LazyTown Goes Digital”.

It first aired on British television on May 20, 2007.

The reason I like this scene

is because it’s randomly funny. I mean, just imagine being a king, asking your servant for a towel, then getting pied in the face. Might not be as funny if you’re the king, but still.


1. Bungee jumping out the airship

The way this scene goes, is that after Robbie Rotten messes up all the electricity in LazyTown, Sportacus tries to leave his airship, but he can’t ride the Skutla. So he escapes the airship manually with a rope.

This scene is from episode thirteen of season two, “LazyTown Goes Digital”.

It first aired on British television on May 20, 2007.

The reason I like this scene is because it’s awesome, and shows how strong and powerful Sportacus is. Not only that, but it is one of the few rare instances in Season Two where 3D animation is used to make a scene!

an animated Sportacus hanging off the piece of floor that comes with the sliding pole. copyright 2006 LazyTown Entertainment

Sportacus hanging off the ping-pong rope. copyright 2006 LazyTown Entertainment

Thank you for actually taking your time to read this! Remember, these are just my opinions!



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