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Life is great with Lazytown!

MOVE IT! Monthly: May

Officially released as of now! Featuring behind the scenes of the LOST episode of LazyTown.

Birt í Sportacus | Færðu inn athugasemd

Enginn Latur i LazyTown! (Official Music Video)

Mixing the Get up and Go version of the song with the regular Icelandic version. The full GUAG Icelandic version of this song is on a 2007 CD, but it hasn’t been posted online yet.

Birt í Sportacus | Færðu inn athugasemd

Littu inn i LazyTown (Official Music Video)

Icelandic and English versions of the LazyTown theme song mixed together.

Birt í Sportacus | Færðu inn athugasemd

Littu inn i LazyTown!

Mixing the Icelandic and English versions of the songs from Season One and Two, I made this unique thing – Littu inn i LazyTown! A selection of five tracks I particularly enjoyed. [bandcamp width=350 height=621 album=522816003 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]

Birt í Sportacus | Færðu inn athugasemd

Latibaer Reimagined

An album I made in 2022.

Birt í Sportacus | Færðu inn athugasemd

LazyTown on the Move! (Season 2 promo)

Birt í Sportacus | Færðu inn athugasemd

Sportacritic: Official Promo

Birt í Sportacus | Færðu inn athugasemd

My Guide to the Sportship

Made this last month in 3 hours using Movie Maker.

Birt í Sportacus | Færðu inn athugasemd


Here it is!

Birt í Sportacus | Færðu inn athugasemd

LazyTown Re-Watching Adventures!!

Follow along with me as I rewatch my favourite TV show, LazyTown. Currently up to episode nineteen of season one – Prince Stingy.

Birt í Sportacus | Færðu inn athugasemd